Todays challenge

Heavy metals and biocides are today widely used to protect wood from biological attacks and to increase the longevity of wood. These materials are difficult to material recycled, and heavy metals and biocides can leak into groundwater and soil. Due to new EU regulations, heavy metals might be banned in Europe within 5-10 years, and current alternatives are expensive and less accessible.

Our sustainable solution

Through pressure treatment using non-toxic chemicals, CIOL® offers a more durable alternative to standard copper impregnated wood products at a comparable price with higher profit margins. We use a unique formula of food-safe, non-fossil based chemicals for sustainable impregnation of wood. The CIOL® process includes a mixture of water, citric acid, sorbitol and additives. All chemicals are derived from natural processes.

CIOL® are sustainable materials with a low carbon footprint

Minimizing chemicals

CIOL’s solutions focus on minimizing the use of dangerous chemicals within the wood processing sector. The chemicals used in our processes are listed as «food-safe».

Zero waste

Our production process aims for «zero-waste» as all residual material can be reused for alternative products such as boards, bathroom furniture, construction blocks, etc.

Renewable energy

The energy consumption in production will come from bioenergy already present at production plants.

Almost 100 % reduced CO2

Extended durability of the product will bind CO2 in wood for longer. Performed LCA shows that CIOL will have an almost 100% reduced CO2/m3 (313kg/CO2/m3) in production compared to similar products on the market (809kg/CO2/m3).

CIOL are sustainable materials with a low carbon footprint


Minimizing chemicals

CIOL’s solutions focus on minimizing the use of dangerous chemicals within the wood processing sector. The chemicals used in our processes are listed as «food-safe».

Renewable energy

The energy consumption in production will come from bioenergy already present at production plants.

Zero waste

Our production process aims for «zero-waste» as all residual material can be reused for alternative products such as boards, bathroom furniture, construction blocks, etc.

Almost 100 % reduced CO2

Extended durability of the product will bind CO2 in wood for longer. Performed LCA shows that CIOL will have an almost 100% reduced CO2/m3 (313kg/CO2/m3) in production compared to similar products on the market (809kg/CO2/m3).

CIOL® ingredient:

Citric acid

Citric acid is a weak organic acid that naturally occur in vegetables and fruits, especially high concentrations are found in lemons and limes. As an additive it is used to add a sour taste to foods and drinks, and to preserve shelf life. It is also used in cleaning agents, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. Citric acid has several industrial applications in wood products, leveraging its natural properties as a green modifying agent and binder. It can be used to modify the properties of wood to improve the wood’s dimensional stability and resistance to moisture.

CIOL® ingredient:


Sorbitol is a type of carbohydrate known as sugar alcohol or polyol. It naturally occurs in certain fruits, such as apples, apricots, peaches and plums. It is also commercially manufactured from corn syrup and used in packaged foods, beverages and medications for several purposes. It serves as a low-calorie sweetener, a moisture preserver, and a mild laxative in various products. Sorbitol has found a significant role in the industrial application for wood products, particularly in the context of wood modification and treatment. In wood modification it enhances the woods resistance to environmental factors and decay.

creamer powder, creamer, powder

Our contribution to the sustainable development goals

The EU aims to significantly reduce its dependency on fossil-based products to help to meet the climate change targets, and lead to sustainable growth. Wood modification has been identified as a good candidate, by altering biorefinery outputs to be used for modification of wood, in leading to a further reduction in the EU greenhouse gas emissions.

European forests represent 25% of the worlds forest resources, and 35% of the European land area is covered by forests. Forests also contain roughly 90% of the world’s terrestrial biodiversity. In 2015, the extended value chains of the forest-based industries in Europe supported 3.6 million jobs and had a turnover of € 640 billion with an added value or € 200 billion.

The carbon pool in European forests is increasing in size by about 365 million tonnes of sequestered CO2 per year, which is equivalent to 7% of the annual EU emissions. Wood modification using bio-based resources is a vital component of the new value chains that must be developed to meet these challenges. Lowering carbon footprint by using modified wood instead of concrete and plastics will add to further lower EU carbon emissions. CIOL® modified wood can serve this demand in the short- and long run and contribute to sustainable development goals number 12, 13, 14 and 15.

Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production – 12.1 / 12.2 / 12.4

CIOL® will strengthen the economic competitiveness of modified wood; increase service life, and significantly improve material characteristics compared to other wood-based products. We aim to create sustainable jobs in the wood industry, focus on the whole life cycle and cascading use of CIOL-modified wood products. We will use timber from domestic sustainable forests.

Illustration of sustainable development goal 13, climate action.

Goal 13: Climate action – 13.3 / 13b

Wood modification has been identified as good candidate end- use for biorefinery outputs with the use of modified timber leading to further reduction in the EU greenhouse gas emissions. This project will produce affordable solutions for enhanced wood products, and extend service life and carbon storage in the harvested wood products’ pool. We will use wood from local and sustainably managed resources, compared to imported timber resources.

Goal 14: Life below water – 14.1 / 14.3

Using CIOL-treated wood in marine installations contributes to SDG 14 by reducing marine pollution through durable, eco-friendly materials that minimize leaching of harmful substances into water. Additionally, it offers a sustainable alternative to non-renewable materials, lowering the environmental impact and supporting healthier marine ecosystems..

Goal 15: Life on land – 15.2 / 15.b

By replacing biocide-based protection agents (e.g. creosote and copper) with CIOL®-modified wood in water and land and thereby reducing pollution, this project will protect sustainable ecosystems and reverse land erosion.

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